
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fuel For The Fire

Just like everyone else, artists need money. As lofty as fine art can be, no one artist can deny the need for to pay for a place to live, food to eat, and of course supplies to make our art. Let me tell ya, I really worry about money, especially when it comes to bills and my taxes.

Taxes and bills for anyone is a stressful situation. I myself, am going to school full time, living on my own, and only really odd jobs here and there  to try and help make ends meet so I only have to work in the summer. So needless to say I worry about money a lot and am always looking for ways to help myself stretch my money just a little more. Through an info-share that one of my classes has hosted, I may have found a helpful tool.

Fox Tax main motto is "Life isn't a business; it' an art." The whole business is dedicated to dealing with the financial needs of artists, mainly taxes. I've only really been filling my taxes for a few years now, and honestly don't know much so any help dealing with my financial needs is valuable.

Just browsing the site there's information for year round planning and advice, information about self-employment tax and estimated payment, even help you plan for retirement. I haven't even thought about retirement let alone if I will be able to! It's nice to know that there is a company out there there that is not only thinking about how I can be paying bills and saving money now but how I can doing it in the future. That's something that is invaluable to me.

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