
Monday, February 14, 2011

No More Drama

One of the main inspirations in my life, as nerdy as it may seem, is World of Warcraft. I've been playing the game for about three years now and I've had a lot of fun being able to connect with the friends I have in my real life through it. Though we may have a lot of inside jokes, most of them pertain to just how silly the game can be or how we think it's funny that there are actually people who think it more than just a game.

See? Just like real life.

If I did do a comic, I don't think just be based off of just random jokes but I do want to have some story archs. Almost think of it as Calvin and Hobbes meets WoW. Except that there are more furry animals walking and talking, even wearing pants I daresay. Or at least a mixture of Elegba and Kuroiushi's "World of Warcraft, Eh?" also Kelly Meeks and Andrew Manser's "Daily Quests" webcomics. Just something lighthearted, though I would love to illustrate some of lore of the Warcraft universe.

What I do know,without a doubt, is the name of which comic: No More Drama. It was the first guild I was ever in, ever actively a part of, or ran and what made it more magical is that it was completely comprised of some of my closest friends. Even though the guild merged with another, we all proudly say that we are members of NMD. A guild made of friends, and built upon the foundation of just having fun. That's what I want to share, just how awesome and fun these people truly are to me.

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